M1 carbine serial number search
M1 carbine serial number search



I have another Winchester M1 Carbine, but it is a 7 digit serial putting in in 1944. I am wondering if maybe that first digit was a light strike, and just not legible, OR could this be a 6 digit serial which I think would put this rifle early, in the 1942 time frame? Anyone know of any 6 digit Winchesters? Or could this just be a very light strike on that first digit and it is missing? I am interested in any input. On the serial #, it looks like and aligned as though there is a space for another digit in the beginning of it, but there is no digit there. Manufacturer, Serial Start, Serial End, Date Start, Date End, Produced. Also, during an Arsenal re-fit, M1s produced by other manufacturers could be fitted to M1A1s.

m1 carbine serial number search


About four years later Plainfield produced carbines in caliber 5.7 Johnson using an A prefix serial number. All dates and serial numbers are approximate. M1A1 Carbine There are no actual records kept for M1A1 serial numbers and so unfortunately there is no specific way to identify if an M1A1 is original from the serial number alone. The lowest serial number observed on a PMC. History of the M1 Carbine The M1 Carbine was designed primarily to offer. The highest serial number observed on an H&S carbine so far has been A615.

m1 carbine serial number search

The name is under the rear sight as many are (I removed the rear sight to confirm). If you would like to check on your order, please email CUSTSERVETHECMP. All M1A1 carbines were made in the same serial number range as standard M1 carbines There were no records of which numbers were used for the M1A1s. Half as heavy as the M1 Rifle, it was quite handy and its fifteen, and later in the war, thirty round magazine gave a. There are no specific dates for Union Switch & Signal receivers as their deliveries were late to NPM (page 29 of Scott Duff’s book The M1 Carbine Owner’s Guide). Most all the stampings are light strikes, as is the "Winchester Trademark", but it is there and can be identified as Winchester. The M1 Carbine was appreciated, first and foremost, for its weight.

m1 carbine serial number search

As I read, Winchester serial numbers started in the 7 digits, but this Winchester is only a 6 digit serial #. The serial # is weird, and I think is missing the first digit in the serial. I just picked up a few weeks ago, another Winchester M1 Carbine. WRA overrun of SA serial numbers (WIN-13) All Manufacturers Post WWII M1 Garands 1952-57 Serial Numbers Represent End of Month Production (List compiled from research/publications by Scott A. The National Postal Meter M1 Carbine serial number 1454984 appears to have been produced in early. I have a question on one of my recent acquisitions.

M1 carbine serial number search